Source data

StartSource data

Source date for selected publications:

“Prevalence and risk factors of untreated thyroid dysfunctions in the older Caucasian adults: Results of PolSenior 2 survey”

Medical database was developed in the course of the PolSenior2 study under agreement nr 6/5/4.2/NPZ/2017/1203/1257, signed between Sides 7.11.2017 r., in concordance with public health task for the purpose 4.2 Operational Aim nr 5 of National Public Health Programme “„Badanie poszczególnych obszarów stanu zdrowia osób starszych, w tym jakości życia związanej ze zdrowiem”. Copyrights regarding medical database belongs to the Ministry of Health


Adrian Lange
Zakład Prewencji i Dydaktyki
Medical University of Gdansk
ul. Debinki 7, Ist floor, room no. 104
80-211 Gdansk

Monday – Friday 9:00-13:00

+ 48 58 349 19 78

+48 58 349 19 75